

請在第1段寫下這個人,並解釋為什麼他需要你的忠告? 第2段寫你的忠告內容,別忘了加上細節來補充、說明。


<示範1> (適合作文分數在10分以內)

Ann has a serious problem with her parents over her study. IF I can give someone advice now, I want to give her advice for three reasons. First, she is my classmate and my best friend. We have known and supported each other for a long time. I know [THAT] she needs my help now. Also, she is very unhappy. Her parents want her to stop talking on the phone and spend more time on her study in the evening. She is very upset BECAUSE she thinks THAT they do not respect her friends. But, most importantly, she becomes less interested in study. Ann is a good student, but because of the problem at home she spends more time arguing with her parents and pays less attention in schoolwork. AS we are getting close to the date for the college entrance examination, I really worry about her.


1. 盡量找、編、掰熟悉的人、事、物來寫。越熟悉,越容易下筆,也越生動。
2. 在第一、二句內重複並回答作文題目,並融入提示中的關鍵字,例如,’advice’。
3. 只要提示中,出現「為什麼」、「理由」、「原因」等字眼,在你回答句的最後加上 ’…for three reasons’(或至少兩個),引導老師往下閱讀。
4. 若腦袋卡住,試試看改用問句去思考,例如,為什麼要給他建議?
5. 三個理由出來後,每個再給它加油添處一番,作法比照「加麵、加湯,不加價」,這是你發揮掰工的時候,千萬別腳軟。
6. 只要理由接近,不用擔心離題,因為會有9成以上的考生已經離了一萬八千里,你算是…best of the best of the best。
7. 務必用全世界最簡單的字彙,時態全用簡單現在式,並控制拼字錯誤。假設我說每一個錯字扣100元,你會不會心痛?不會的話,往上加。


1. 以簡單句為主,夾雜副詞子句(全部大寫字所引導的句子)、名詞子句(‘THAT’後面所引導的句子)。
2. 如果你不熟悉其他人告訴你的重要句型,忘了它們吧!
3. 節約使用’and’, ‘or’, ‘but’, ‘so’。
4. 但不要忘了用’First’, ‘Second’, ‘Next’, ‘Then’, ‘Also’, ‘Finally’等字眼帶出你的理由。這些閱卷老師受過嚴格訓練,對這些字眼反應奇佳。
5. 長、短句交叉使用。理由(劃線部分)短,說明長。這是最好閱讀的方法。

<示範2> (適合作文分數在10分以上)

I am not good at advising people on what to do, but if there is someone to whom I need to give advice at the present time, it would be Ann, my best friend. She has a serious problem with her parents over the phone use. They scold her for spending more time on phone talks than on her study in the evening. She argues that she needs friends and that nothing is wrong with her needs. Because she cannot persuade her parents to give her a personal phone line, she becomes very upset, unhappy and uninterested in classes. As her best friend, I worry about her and I want to help her by giving her some advice.


1. 結構上,先簡單介紹對方和你的關係(第一句)。
2. 開頭部份,不要提事實,這種寫法一來無趣(大家都知道),二來,不容易在兩句內拉回主題,譬如︰

"We all have problems in our lives. Sometimes we do not know what to do or what the right answer is. We need advice and suggestions, so we know how to solve the problem….”


1. 這種寫法強調邏輯性和關聯性,因為沒有明顯的三個理由來支撐。換句話說,兩者缺一,很容易被視為離題。


1. 一種吸引讀者目光的開頭寫法,是使用’but’或’however’在句中產生對立(參考第一句)。
2. 句型上,要有變化,但不鼓勵用複雜的句型。記住,越複雜的句型,越容易吸引別人去挑毛病,這是你想要的嗎?
3. 變化句型從簡單句開始,利用’and’, ‘or’, ‘but’, ‘so’或子句、片語向外延伸。
4. 在整段中,建議僅使用這類連接副詞字一種,而且只用一次︰therefore, moreover, nevertheless, thus, additionally, in addition, nontheless。
5. 多用恰當的字、片語。
6. 前句中的關鍵字向下延伸,是產生關聯性的要件,但要替換字,或使用代名詞。
7. 第一段不需要結尾,但需要回答作文題目。





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